Special invitation for the K-exhibition in Düsseldorf
Dear ###USER_title### ###USER_name###,
(Anti) Static is Magic!
On the Simco-ION Netherlands booth at the K-show a memorable event will take place.
Simco-ION will launch 10 brand new products for controlling static electricity.
These products all belong to a new family called IQ Easy, and all have the unique feature of 24V DC supply voltage. Anti-static bars, static measuring, static bonding and special products for IML (In mould labelling) will be launched.
All products will be managed by the Manager IQ Easy, a controller that will provide distribution of the 24V DC supply voltage to a possible six connected devices. A 7” full colour LCD display provides information about the status and settings of all connected devices.
Analogue input and output signals are available as well as a serial communication port for protocols such as, Profibus, Can-open, Ethernet-IP etc...
For quality management systems and process tracking, full data logging for all devices is incorporated.
On behalf of your local Simco-Ion representative we invite you to visit the Simco-Ion booth.
Simco-Ion is offering you a free voucher to visit the exhibition.
You can register for a free voucher at www.simco-ion.nl/register
Do not miss the Simco-ION booth at Hall 11, B58!